It is widely speculated that Melania Trump gets her striking looks from various surgeries and modifications.
The former First Lady, 54, and his wife former US president Donald Trump, 78, is famous for his high cheekbones, age-defying plump lips and smooth skin.
But the former Slovenian model, who released her memoir Melania on October 8, in which she touched on her support for abortion rights, denied ever having plastic surgery.
But Dr Gary Linkoff, a leading US plastic surgeon based in New York, estimates Melania has spent $203,000 (£155,335) on plastic surgery, including a $50,000 (£38,260) facelift.
In one YouTube video that has amassed 350,000 views, Dr Linkov suggests she may have had extensive cosmetic work including a nose job, fillers, botox, cheek implants and even a face lift.
Dr. Gary Linkoff, a leading US plastic surgeon based in New York, estimates that Melania has spent $203,000 on plastic surgery, including a $50,000 facelift
Exploring her transformation over the decades, Dr. Linkov begins by showing a picture of Melania from 1987, when she was just 17 years old.
It accentuates her full brows, her almond shaped eyes, her natural ‘bulb’ nose with roundness at the tip of the nose and a balanced lower and upper lip. Her strong cheekbones are also highlighted as a natural feature of her face.
But as Dr Linkov compares images of her at 28, he notes that “the tip of her nose looks less bulbous” and adds that the “dorsal bump” on the bridge of the nose is less obvious, suggesting she may have had a nose job. until 1998.
Then a picture of her at 29 appears to show her lips are fuller. Dr. Linkov suggests that because the filler was not FDA approved until 2003, she may have used collagen or microdroplet silicone.
Fast forward to 2004, when Melania is 34 and her cheeks look fuller.
“I wonder if she’s had cheek implants because there’s so much normality in both cheeks and there’s more projection that I think she would have gotten to that point with filler alone.
Dr. Linkov points out that Melania’s eyes look smaller at age 37, which he explained could be due to a brow lift that may have created a cat-eye look.
A picture of her at age 29, pictured left in 1999, appears to show fuller lips. Dr. Linkov suggests that because the filler was not FDA approved until 2003, she may have used collagen or microdroplet silicone. Later at age 52 (pictured exactly in 2021) her neck skin and jawline look smoother — something that could have been corrected with a facelift, says Dr Linkov
She adds that she may also have started getting botox on her forehead and around the corners of her eyes around this time.
Looking at a picture of her at age 38, where her eyes look even smaller, Dr. Linkov suggests that the Botox on her forehead may have made her brows weigh more heavily on her eyes.
He said: “The frontalis muscle is the only muscle that actually raises our eyebrows. So when you inject a strong neurotoxin into that muscle, what happens is that it becomes more paralyzed. When this happens, the eyebrows start to get heavy and as this happens, the eyes can start to look smaller.’
Another change in Melania’s face is seen in 2012 at the age of 42, as some early signs of “halau” become visible. This is a bump that develops in the jaw line as the cheek begins to see the effects of gravity and droop.
Melania appears to have more forehead wrinkles and larger eyes two years later in 2014, which could be the result of less Botox, Dr Linkov suggests.
More general signs of aging, such as the loss of neck skin laxity and the corners of her lips turning upside down, can be seen in photos of her at 49.
But later, aged 52, the skin on her neck and jawline looks smoother – something that could have been fixed with a facelift, says Dr Linkov.
However, because many pictures of Melania have her with her hair covering her ears and the sides of her face, it’s hard to look for signs of dread or changes to her ears to confirm if she’s had a face lift.
But other procedures, such as radiofrequency skin tightening, may also have corrected any sagging skin, Dr. Linkov admits.

Melania Trump, pictured left in an undated image and right in 2020, has denied having plastic surgery, telling GQ in 2016 that she was “anti-Botox” and “anti-filler”.
Melania has consistently denied having plastic surgery, saying GQ in 2016 that he was “anti-Botox” and “anti-filler”.
He said: “I didn’t make any changes. Many people say that I use all the procedures for my face. I didn’t do anything.
“I live a healthy life, I take care of my skin and body. It’s all me. I’m going to age gracefully, like my mom does.’
Plastic surgeon to the stars Dr. Gary Motykie he has also previously told Daily that he doesn’t see “much reason to suspect a facelift”.
Instead, he suggested she had a nose job and fillers and spent an estimated $45,000 to $50,000 on her appearance.
‘[But] I have noticed a change in her nose. Noses usually don’t get smaller as they get older, they get bigger – but her nose is definitely smaller and more defined, so I’m highly suspicious of at least one rhinoplasty [nose job]”, he said.
“I think he’ll likely do maintenance work as well – fillers, particularly in the mid-face, cheeks, maybe a touch up on the lips and standard Botox maintenance,” she added.