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Browsing: Gum disease treatment
Is This Why Zendaya Is Smiling? Celebs’ favorite green drink matcha can ease period cramps and prevent gum disease, research suggests… even if it tastes like ‘shredded grass’
Matcha tea is touted as a cure for period cramps and gum disease — despite tasting like “shredded grass” according to some people.The drink, popular with…
Research shows that matcha green tea powder can inhibit the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a bacteria linked to periodontitis, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic tool…
Jen HoskinsMay 21, 2024 Image source: Natural Science News, 2024Important findings The study by Ben’s Lab Co., Ltd. reviewed BenTooth, a blend…
Over half the British public have signs of gingivitis. Gingivitis, a painful inflammation of the gums, is a precursor to periodontal disease [bacterial infection of the…
The relationship between periodontitis and diabetes has similarly been explained by dysfunctions of the immune response.12-14 Diabetics, especially those with severe periodontitis, have been found to…
Share it on PinterestA new study finds that dental cleaning may be important for maintaining heart health. Studio Firma / Stocksy Studio Firma/Stocksy UnitedA new study…
In a recent study published in Journal of the American Heart Associationresearchers evaluated whether periodontal treatment during the gap period enhances the success rate of atrial…
Credit: Public Domain Pixabay/CC0 Could taking statins benefit your mouth in addition to your arteries? A new study conducted in cell cultures has shown that cholesterol-lowering…
Could taking statins benefit your mouth in addition to your arteries? A new study conducted in cell cultures has shown that cholesterol-lowering drugs help alleviate the…
Game Changers in Dentistry and Oral Medicine: From Rapid Diagnosis to Effective Treatment of Serious Gum Disease
Given the association between periodontitis and various systemic diseases, early detection and treatment of this condition is paramount to overall well-being. Researchers have now developed an…