The model of practical and management of periodontal disease is constantly evolving. Dental hygiene are heavily aware of the oral systematic connection and the crucial role we serve in providing help for our patients to become healthy. We also know that for non -surgical periodontal treatment to be truly successful, the biofilms containing the coating layer of endotoxins, bacteria and contaminated cement must be completely removed.1
The escalation and installation of the roots (SRP) will continue to be the gold standard for non -surgical treatment of perio, however, the elimination of these biofilm may be provocative for clinicians, especially in areas where organs are difficult or difficult or difficult where harmful germs have penetrated the dental pipes.1 Supplementary treatments in SRP, such as chemotherapeutic agents and systematic and local antibiotics, have all been used in an effort to change the subjective microbial environment.
Studies have highlighted the limitations with these factors due to the chemical makeup of biofilms that are resistant to antimicrobial and antibacterial. A new wave of drilling gel with statistically significant results have been developed as a complementary treatment in SRP. They have proven that they are effectively penetrating and eliminating underwater biofilm. I will give an overview of the dried and how this simple treatment could convert the treatment and maintenance of perio’s disease.
What is a dried?
Dryers are materials that absorb moisture and moisture from the environment and can attract and hold gases or liquids.2 In the form of a gel for dental processes, the dryers consist of a concentrated mixture of sulfonic and sulfuric acids. When evaluating the consistency of the oral germ, it consists of bacterial microorganisms in a 70% water uterus and 10% -30% extracellular substances.1
Drysticks are unique in being able to bind to water in the womb of biofilm and quickly detaching, destroying and getting rid of biofilm in signed areas.1 Systematic and local delivery antibiotics have been used as a complementary treatment in SRP for years, but there are concerns about excessive use and microbial resistance,1 Not to mention that these factors may not be targeted at Biofilm in a way that really breaks down its cellular uterus.
Similarly, antiseptic agents used as irrigation may inhibit the formation of a new plate, but are not able to break down biofilm.3 Drying can help target biofilm in areas that are difficult to use, thereby changing the microbial environment and leading to significant improvements in clinical and microbial indicators.
In a randomized controlled clinical trial that compared the results of the treatment of a tight and SRP treatment against SRP only, the results for the treatment group showed statistically significant reductions in clinical, microbial and inflammatory mediators.4 These mediators were evaluated on 15, 30, 60, 180 and 365 days after treatment. In 12 months, the SRP team only showed significant 2.23 mm detection detection reductions plus or minus 0.31 mm, compared to the SRP dried team and showing 3.25 mm plus or minus 0.57 mm reduction, which It was statistically significant.
For bleeding in detection (BOP), the SRP only showed a reduction of 4.56% plus or minus 1.5%, compared to the SRP Plus Co Group plus 34.23% plus or minus reduction by 4, 2% which were statistically significant. Also, during this study, 40 microbial species were evaluated at all the same periods. In 180 and 365 days, the results for the Desiccant SRP Plus team showed a statistically significant reduction in orange and red complex bacteria compared to the SRP treatment group only.4
Although SRP treatment is still the gold standard for non -surgical periodontal treatment, removal of calculus and biofilm through mechanical instruments do not appear to be sufficient. We can see the importance of eliminating biofilm with complementary treatments and how it leads to improved clinical markers for a long time.