A gum retractor is a specific tool or instrument used by dentists, usually when preparing teeth during the common dental crown procedure, as well as the similar common dental bridge procedure.,,
During the procedure, the gum retraction cord is gently inserted under the gum line and into the gum line and around the specific tooth that has been prepared for the crown or bridge. The gingival sulcus is the natural space between the tooth and the gum tissue surrounding the tooth. Plaque generally accumulates in this area, which in turn can lead to many dental problems.,,
The main purpose of a gingival retractor is to provide the dentist with a clear view of a tooth’s function before taking a dental impression.
A gum retraction cord typically looks like floss on a stick or an advanced type of floss stick. Retraction cord comes in different sizes and sometimes the dentist uses a double layer of cord.
To create the piece that fits around the tooth to be worked on, pieces of cotton or polyester are woven together to create a specific diameter. This diameter is the portion that rotates around the tooth.
The gingival retraction cord is primarily used to push the gum tissue away from the prepared tooth margins in order to create an accurate impression of the teeth. Gum can block the impression of a tooth, which is why gums are usually pushed out of the way.
This procedure allows the dentist to focus directly on preparing the tooth without having to worry about the gums getting in the way.
Possible Side Effects
A gingival retraction cord is usually the most effective method for moving and retracting gum tissue in order to provide a clean working view of the tooth. A clear view of the function of the tooth is vital so that the dentist can ensure that no mistakes are made. However, it can sometimes cause side effects and minor injuries, especially in people with gingivitis.
Using a gum retraction cord may cause temporary swelling and inflammation of the gums, but there is no long-term harm associated with its use.,,
A gum recession cord can sometimes cause bleeding as the cord rubs against the gums. Bleeding gums can be difficult to control and, in turn, make impressions difficult to capture.
As a result, some brands of gum retraction cords are pre-soaked in Hemodent (a liquid used to stop minor gum bleeding). Many dentists prefer to soak the gingival retraction cord in Hemodent themselves, rather than having pre-soaked cords. Others find Hemoden unnecessary in anyone with otherwise healthy gums or teeth.,,