An excessive mother of four who has lost more than 100 pounds substantiates excessive surgery of skin removal in a series of brutal honest social media positions.
Sara Rosemeyer, a 31 -year -old military wife based in Nebraska with her husband, lost 119 pounds after taking over, going from 225 pounds to 166 pounds in just over 12 months.
However, the weight loss journey was not easy.

Larger loser: Sara Rosemeyer, a 31 -year -old military wife and the mom of the four, living in Nebraska, underwent a lower elevator to remove excess experience after losing more than 100kg

Insight: Sara documented its recovery from social media surgery

Changes: Sara tried to commit suicide almost two years ago (depicted in 2016) and with the help of her family doctor, a therapist and a nutritionist was able to turn her life around
Nearly two years ago, as she approached her 30th birthday, Sara also tried to commit suicide because of her marriage pressures, taking care of her two boys who have autism and a circle of “arguments and toast”.
But thanks to the help of a family doctor, a nutritionist and a therapist, Sara was able to overcome her demons and be on the road to recovery.
On October 31, she underwent extensive surgery, removing the loose skin around the stomach area through the lower lift of the body. Combine this with an elevator and breast increase, taking it from an A/B cup in a C.
Documentation of the process InstagramHe wrote shortly after the surgery that the procedure was “the hands under the worst thing I have signed myself”.
But since then, Sara has positively shared the history of recovery with its followers, providing honest knowledge of the healing process and how it has affected not only her body but also her self -esteem.
After her first inspection, Sara posted photos of her stomach with several drains, writing: “The doctor said I was healed very well. He certainly doesn’t feel it. ”
I tried to cough and thought that my inside would explode. No joke.
She added that although she liked what she saw, she was “overwhelmed” when she saw the incisions on her skin.
She did not lose a sense of humor, a few days later, jerked that although she was struggling with pain, her ultimate goal was to be able to wash her hair.
And no one who avoids the camera, the greedy fan of social media has taken the opportunity to publish photos of drainage clothing equipped with drains.
Working a shot four days after surgery, he wrote: “Today I was uncomfortable, as these drains are such a pain in the ass, but not where close to what I felt a few days ago.
“Fortunately I haven’t reached sneezing, but I tried to cough and I thought my inside would explode. No joke. ”
After 30 days, two of the four drains in the Sara’s stomach were removed, but he shared that this was a very painful process, resulting in edema and infections.
“Very happy with my results, but we look forward to wearing the underwear again, a well -fits bra, going to the bathroom and taking a shower without these annoying things hanging from me like foreign things,” he added.

What drainage: Sara has posted several photos of the drains introduced in her stomach after surgery, sharing how painful the procedure was

Under Wrapping: The busy mom was also forced to wear a compression garment after surgery, however, she was still suffering from infection and explosion seams

Bean Bags: Sara describes in detail how her breasts were pulled by a “deflated in a complete C”

Vulnerable: Although Sara says she is more conscious now, she wants to post photos that are not “fake”
She also began to enjoy the privileges of her breast growth, revealing that she now completed a bra that was too big for her.
“My size is a deflated bean bag used to slip everywhere in this thing. Sometimes it slips, “he wrote.
“I’m completely filling it now and it’s so nice! I went from a defrost to a complete C with silicone implants behind the muscle. They are smaller than I imagined (we did this size in a bra before surgery and it really looked too big for me). But my frame looks proportional now and I’m sure just starting to run again, I’ll be happy that I didn’t choose bigger.
And just four weeks after surgery, despite returning infection, stitches and severe pain fell, Sara again took to Instagram to share that she had begun to see real progress.
I cried. Shouted at a pillow. They fought with wounds, infections and frustration.
“I was asked today, would I do all this? Absolutely. I worked hard. Put my nose on the ground and took off hard and I gave what I had. Every day.
“Did I have bad days? You bet. But I still did it. Did he hurt? Again and again. I wanted to stop? Most of the time I would like to admit, “he explained.
“I cried. Shouted at a pillow. I struggled with wounds, infections, injury and frustration, the desire to eat from stress and emotion and hit a wall more than once. But instead of abandoning me … I thought about every reason I started. I gave myself 100 PEP conversations and then some. I thought about what I wanted to do in life. Who waited for me, smiling and waving home. That was excited about every finish line.
“And I thought about all of you. All the 10,000 of you who have ever prayed, you ever said hello, ever sent me a message and said because of you I ran to the end of the block. Because of you that I started today. Encourage.
“I am humble and sometimes it is still completely secretive to see something in Little Old Me. I find power in all this and I know this recovery was a bitch. I am itchy to put my shoes and feel the sun on my face. To lift something heavier than my bottle.
“But I will show myself the grace, kindness and #selflove I deserve. Patience is the key. I will get through it and be better because of that. ”