Many people fear cleaning their teeth. Between the prodding, strange noises, and occasional jaw discomfort, it’s easy to understand their concern. But for most, teeth cleaning is simple and painless.
Knowing exactly what’s going on during the process can help you reduce stress and better enjoy the fresh effects of mint.
Most teeth cleanings are done by a dentist. Before the actual cleaning process begins, they begin with a physical examination of your entire mouth.
The dental hygienist uses a small mirror to check around your teeth and gums for any signs of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) or other potential concerns.
If they find major problems, the dentist may call the dentist to make sure it’s okay to proceed.
With the small mirror to guide them, the dental hygienist uses a cleaner to get rid of plaque and tartar around your gum line, as well as between your teeth. You will hear a scraping sound, but this is normal. The more stone there is in your mouth, the longer it will take to scrape a certain spot.
Brushing and flossing prevents plaque from forming and hardening into stone. Once you have tartar, you can only have it removed at your dentist’s office. So if this is your least favorite part of the teeth cleaning process, the lesson is to brush and floss more often.
After your teeth are completely free of tartar, the hygienist brushes them with a high-powered electric brush, which makes a grinding noise. Although it sounds scary, it is a great way to deep clean and remove any stone left behind by the salt.
Professional cleanings use toothpaste that smells and tastes like regular toothpaste, although you can often choose between flavors. However, it has a hard consistency that gently scrubs your teeth. If done by a professional, this teeth polishing is considered safe to be done twice a year. But don’t be so hard on your teeth at home, because you’ll wear down the enamel.
Whether you floss regularly at home or not, nothing beats a special flossing session. Your dental hygienist can get deep between your teeth and identify any problem areas where your gums may be bleeding.
This may seem like a no-brainer if you’re flossing at home, but having a professional floss your teeth also removes any plaque or toothpaste residue from earlier in the cleaning process.
Then rinse your mouth to get rid of any residue. Your dental hygienist will usually give you a rinse that contains liquid fluoride.
The final step in the cleaning process is fluoride treatment. This treatment is used as a protectant for your teeth to help fight tooth decay for several months.
Your dental hygienist may ask you which flavor you like best. They will then place the foamy gel (or sometimes a sticky paste) into a mouthpiece that fits over your teeth. It is usually left on your teeth for a minute. In addition to the foam gel, fluoride varnish is applied to the teeth with a small brush. The fluoride varnish will harden when it comes into contact with saliva, so you can eat and drink right away.
Professional dental cleanings are scheduled twice a year, while x-rays are usually done once a year. However, depending on what your dentist or dental hygienist notices in your mouth, they may do other tests during your visit. For children, a dentist may recommend molar sealants to help prevent tooth decay in hard-to-brush areas.
Whether you need additional steps or not, the key is to keep returning to the dentist for regular teeth cleanings to prevent problems altogether. By understanding what’s going on ahead of time, you’ll feel more comfortable — and maybe even look forward to those dates.