However, not everyone is confident enough to endure their legs due to varicose veins.
Mr Wissam Al-Jundi, consultant vascular surgeon at Norfolk, tells us more…
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are a common problem affecting at least 20% of the adult population in the UK.
They occur when small valves inside the veins stop working properly. Instead of blood flowing effortlessly back to the heart, blood pools in the veins causing pain, fatigue and discomfort.
At first, problem veins may not be visible but symptoms may occur.
Sometimes patches of blue thread veins can be the first signs of an underlying problem.
Eventually, the abnormal veins can swell, enlarge, and become varicose veins.
This condition can be embarrassing and painful.
Varicose veins are usually blue or dark purple in color and may also be bulky or twisted in appearance.
While any vein can be affected, varicose veins most commonly develop in the legs and feet – mainly because standing and walking can put pressure on the veins in the lower body.
Why should varicose veins be treated?
In the developmental stages, varicose veins and thread veins can be mainly a cosmetic problem.
However, if ignored, the condition can worsen and various debilitating complications can occur, including leg swelling, venous eczema, skin pigmentation around the ankles and venous ulcers.
Occasionally, veins can burst, causing bleeding, or the blood in the veins can clot, leading to the painful condition of phlebitis (inflammation of a vein) or even deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in a vein).
People who use air travel for work or vacation may be at increased risk, particularly if these flights are long distances.
What does the treatment involve and is it painful?
Fortunately, modern, minimally invasive treatments can often be performed under local anesthesia as a removal procedure.
This leaves the patient with minimal post-procedure pain with virtually immediate return to normal activity.
A number of treatments are available for varicose veins (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
What treatments are available?
There are many modern treatments, from foam sclerotherapy (an injection into the vein that causes it to seal and disappear over time), intravenous laser (a procedure where a laser is fed into the vein to close the faulty vein leaving minimal scarring), VNUS ( a procedure where a tiny catheter is inserted into the vein that produces heat via radio frequencies to shrink and close the vein).
The national institute for clinical excellence (NICE) recommends intravenous laser or radiofrequency ablation as first-line treatment for varicose veins depending on the underlying cause.
Is this treatment only for women?
Definitely not, varicose veins can affect men as well as women.
Men tend to cover more of their legs, so the problem can be hidden and ignored, with some men only seeking treatment when their veins become too large and complications begin to occur.
It is important to target varicose veins before they become a significant problem, as without medical treatment varicose veins always worsen, sometimes suddenly, and complications can have a significant impact on daily activities.
If you suffer from uncomfortable varicose veins and want to explore your treatment options, make an appointment with your GP or call 01603 255 614 for a no-obligation consultation at Spire Norwich Hospital.
These consultations offer an assessment of your condition and an opportunity to discuss possible treatment.
For more information or to book a private consultation with Mr Wissam Al-Jundi, please call 01603 255 614.
More details about Mr Al-Jundi can be found on the consultant’s profile on
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It should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice from your doctor or other healthcare professional.