A man who almost died several times after removing a tooth calls for a change in medical guidance.
Greg Hutton, 62, survived two periods of endocarditis, a serious and often deadly heart infection, which kills almost 30% of the sufferers in one year.
The infection occurred after a tooth had been removed and was not given preventive antibiotics, despite the fact that it had a heart condition that could make you more sensitive to infection.
Now Mr. Hutton, from Swansea, is calling for changes in medical guidelines to prevent other people going through the same pain.
The former school’s computer technician reported endocarditis for the first time after a tooth removal in November 2017, when his dentist refused to give him pre-duty antibiotics.
The dentist said that there was instructions from the National Institute of Health and Care (Nice) – the body that provides NHS guidance.

Mr Hutton believes that if he had been given antibiotics before the operation, he would probably have avoided infection and a subsequent heart attack.
A good spokesman said he had informed his guidance this year with a link with Scottish Dental Information, but Mr Hutton believes he is not far enough.
He said: “It was terrible, absolutely scary, not only for me, but also for my family, for my wife especially.
“Before all this happened in 2017 when I ran. I was pretty fit. I was playing five-a-side football at work, then to suddenly remove it.
“It was always my something to keep the form and keep my ability for as much as possible. Without it, I would be dead.”
Mr. Hutton was born with a forked valve, a congenital heart defect where the aortic valve has two fins instead of the normal three, for which it was replaced in 2014.
He said: “In 2017 I had a problem with one of my fillings, I went to see the dentist and said,” We have to pull the tooth. “
“Come on the day of the appointment I went to see him and said that he couldn’t give me antibiotics because he contradicts the nice instructions and will get into trouble.
“I would consider a high -risk patient anywhere else in the world because of the function of my heart valve, but in 2008 Nice changed the instructions because there was a terrorism for too many antibiotics prescribed.
“The dentist, who had several months to check what was the best treatment for me before the tooth exported, essentially said:” I’ll pull the tooth, but you can’t have antibiotics. “

Two weeks after the export, Mr Hutton began to feel ill and was just able to walk.
Doctors initially couldn’t find what was wrong with him and had about 35 appointments to locate the issue.
“My GP believed it was leukemia at one point, but nothing showed in the blood test,” he said.
“My organs fail and felt that they were taking it out in turn to give me a kick from inside.
“They were playing slowly, kidney problems, liver problems. I was struggling to breathe.”
Only when Mr Hutton started looking for the cause of his enlarged spleen, he discovered that a teeth extraction can sometimes cause endocarditis.
He said: “I went to the hospital and didn’t go out for four months, I was in a hell of a state.”
The only treatment that would stop the infection was Gentamamine, which made him go deaf in one ear and suffered a embolism in his spleen.
Only a few months after his recovery, Mr Hutton again became ill.
He said: “I went to my GP, looked at me and said,” You go straight to the hospital. ” I said I was going to pack a bag, he said, “No, I take you straight to the hospital.”
“He sat me in his car and led me straight there and spent another three months in the hospital.”
The second time he went to the hospital he was treated for fungal endocarditis, which may be more deadly than the previously undergoing bacterial infection.
“According to statistics I should be dead. I put it under my ability,” he said.
“After three months. I was expelled with the words,” go home. Enjoy the rest of your life. Or as long as it may be. “
“They felt. I am sure I could have a few years to survive because the mortality rate is very high.
“Then a few months later, I was in the garden and I had a heart attack.”

He estimated that he had cost the NHS about £ 400,000 to keep him alive, while the antibiotic bag he could get would only be a few pounds.
After being released, Mr Hutton came into contact with Wolferstans Solicitors, who received a substantial settlement from his dentist, who believes he is the second largest.
He has now written to call to change their instructions.
This year Nice began to refer to Scotland’s dental information in his guidance, but Mr Hutton did not believe that this went far enough.
He believes that the woven and English dentists will continue to believe that information is about Scotland and new guidance is required.
A sympathetic spokesman said they had published an information on their guidance in October and while advice remains antibiotics they should not be prescribed to prevent infectious endocarditis (ie) “may be appropriate” for some people with structural defects.
He said the fine recommendations are directly linked to tips from the Scottish Dental Clinical EUCTURE program.
“This advice on antibiotic prophylaxis for people who are at high risk of infectious endocarditis undergoing dental procedures and patient information has been developed in conjunction with and approved by, fine.”
He added: “While there are some new indications of the benefits of preventive use of antibiotics for people who are at higher risk of IE, this remains insufficient to change the overall recommendations in the Nice guideline, which seeks to balance the potential benefits of antibiotics The risks of increasing anaphylaxis and antibiotic resistance. “