With Amanda Wilkins – March 17, 2025
Blue Kite Academy Trust has announced a new partnership with Abbey Meads Dental Practice to provide vital dental views for children in their schools.
This initiative responds to an exhibition released in July 2024, which revealed alarming statistics on children’s oral health at Swindon.
The report said that children in Swindon are undergoing hospital teeth extracts almost three times the percentage of other southwestern areas. 1,045 children and young people per 100,000 on Swindon require extracts, compared to just 376 per 100,000 throughout the rest of the area.
Determined to address this urgent issue, Mr and Mrs Iravani, owners of Abbey Meads dental practice at North Swindon, are committed to improving children’s oral health through early intervention. Partners with the public health of England, they hope to influence the development of long -term dental examinations in elementary schools.
Abbey Meads Dental Practice provides a team of specialized dentists and dentists for each school audit, supported by the Director of their Practice. This program is funded and supported by Mr and Mrs Iravani and their team, demonstrating their commitment to improving children’s access to basic dental care.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust is deeply grateful for their generosity and commitment to our children.
Gary Evans, chief executive of Blue Kite Academy Trust, said: “The impact of this work on our children was extraordinary.
Principal of Elementary School Robert Le Kyng said: “Some of our children had never seen a dentist before.” The team from the practice was very friendly and put our kids comfortably.
Ferndale elementary school principal said: “Every child is worth a healthy smile! A huge thank you to Abbey Meads Dental Practice to give our children the opportunity to check their teeth.
“The impact is already felt with some of our children now recently registered with a dental practice! Together, we can fight tooth decay and build a brighter, healthier future.”
After school views, parents are informed if their child requires a complete dental examination. They are encouraged to close an appointment with their normal dental practice or to register with one if they have not already done so. However, recognizing the difficulties that many families face to ensure NHS dental care, Abbey Meads Dental Practice is committed to providing subsequent treatment for every child in need, regardless of their regime.
The head of the Catherine Wayte elementary school said: “The excitement and dedication shown by Abbey Meads Dental Practice to happen was inspired to witness. A large number of our families chose to take free promotion, with many of them.
“As a result, through this project, many children received a warm and friendly introduction to dentistry in a safe and intimate environment, along with the opportunity to enroll in the practice of the future. Being able to support the project was a great privilege and I would like to thank all those who are involved in Abbey.”
Head teacher at Covingham Park Elementary School said: “One of our children fell into the game park and broke his adult front tooth in half. In a discussion with the parent, we discovered that the child had no dentist. With the support of Blue Kite Trust and Abbey Meads restore the child’s tooth.
“Mom is happy with the care and support of dentist Abbey Meads, who not only managed to correct the adult tooth, but also managed to support the child with a teeth brush regime and other dental issues.
“Abbey Meads also helped this mom, recording the other children in the family and the organization to see them as well. What amazing service are they doing for child dental health.”
To support long -term improvements in children’s oral health, with the support of Blue Kite Trust schools, Abbey Meads Dental Practice compose anonymous data from school views. This information will be shared with NHS Bath and North-East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire, with the aim of influenced by the future NHS dental policies and improve access to care for all children.
One parent said: “Both boys were comfortable with viewing and dental nurses and the exhibition was as I expected, we all see a dentist regularly and additional views as they are excellent to help renew the importance of dental hygiene.”
Amelia, 9 years old, said: “I was a little nervous, but the dentists were really nice and showed me how to brush my teeth properly. Now I make sure to do it every morning and night!”
Until Easter 2025, children in over ten schools across the Swindon would have the opportunity to participate in this project, with eight more schools scheduled to participate before the end of the academic year. More than five thousand children will have been offered in school dental projection by the end of the year.