A tummy tuck, also known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery that flattens the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the underlying muscle. Most people recover within several weeks. You may experience swelling and moderate pain during your post-operative recovery, both from the procedure itself and from the movements you make while your incision heals. You can make this time more comfortable by trying different strategies for managing pain after a tummy tuck.
Lifestyle management
As you recover from your surgery, there are practical things you can do in the first few months to prevent the onset of pain and reduce your pain if you have it.
- Maintain physical activity: As you recover, you should continue to perform simple daily tasks and get up and walk around your home regularly. This is recommended to reduce the risk of harmful blood clots and also prevents you from staying in one position for too long, which can make it painful when you finally get up and moving.
- Avoid vigorous exercise: As you recover and your wounds heal, you shouldn’t strain your incisions by engaging in vigorous activity or lifting heavy objects for at least six weeks or until you get the go-ahead from your healthcare provider. If you want to start or return to challenging exercises once you’ve fully recovered, it’s a good idea to maintain some level of fitness by walking for exercise throughout your recovery period.
- Do not smoke: To enhance the healing process, you should avoid using tobacco. Nicotine seriously compromises the body’s ability to heal itself. It causes the blood vessels to constrict, making it more difficult to deliver oxygen to the skin cells at the incision site, ultimately delaying the healing process.
- Avoid constipation: You may be constipated if you do not eat due to nausea or fatigue. Narcotic pain medications also cause constipation, which eventually leads to abdominal pain. Try to eat foods high in fiber and drink plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. If nausea or constipation is persistent, you may need to take over-the-counter or prescription medications.
Pain management
Often times, abdominoplasty procedures involve injecting painkillers into the area around the sensory nerves, resulting in a nerve block. This precautionary measure has been shown to reduce postoperative pain. However, if you experience post-operative pain, you may need treatment as you recover from tummy tuck surgery. Options include:
- Medicines without a prescription: Many surgeons recommend taking ibuprofen or naproxen 24 to 48 hours after the procedure if there is no evidence of bleeding. NSAIDs can reduce swelling and provide pain relief that may allow patients to stop narcotics sooner resulting in fewer side effects from these drugs.
- Prescription drugs: Long-acting narcotic drugs are often prescribed because they do not cause bleeding. However, in low doses, drugs can cause constipation. in high doses, they can cause respiratory and heart problems, as well as the risk of addiction.
- Pain Pump: If you have severe nausea and can’t take medication by mouth, a pain pump—a device that delivers medication directly into the body through an inserted tube—may be another alternative. If your pain is severe, a pain pump can reduce your need for high doses of prescription narcotic pain relievers.
Postoperative Care
There are a number of routine things to be aware of as you heal after surgery, including the use of a compression garment, wound care, and drainage care. Paying close attention to these tasks can help reduce or prevent pain.
- Compression Garment: After the operation, you will be wrapped or given a compression garment to wear. The compression garment will reduce swelling and support the abdomen, promoting proper healing. You should expect to wear it for two weeks to two months, depending on how quickly you heal. Be sure to let your medical team know if the compression garment causes pain, as adjustments may be needed.
- Incision Care: Surgical dressings or bandages will be applied to your incision area. You will be given instructions about whether you should change these dressings and, if so, how often and how to do it. The most important aspect of home wound care is keeping your wound clean and being gentle with it to avoid injury or bleeding. You will also be instructed to be on the lookout for problems such as pain from the incision site, swelling, redness, pus, heat, or bleeding.
- Drainage Care: After a tummy tuck, temporary tubes to drain excess fluid from the surgical site will be inserted under your skin. They will be removed during the first week of recovery or when the healthcare provider is sure that the fluid no longer needs to be drained. If you experience pain at the drain site, or if you notice redness, swelling, or oozing of pus or blood, notify your doctor’s office.
- Antibiotics: You may be given a prescription for medication to apply in your surgery and/or take by mouth to reduce the risk of post-operative infection. An infection can cause pain, but more common symptoms of infection include fever, swelling, warmth, or pus.
A word from Verywell
Abdominoplasty is generally well tolerated. However, it is a surgical procedure and there are some risks and side effects—including pain. If you are planning to have a tummy tuck, you should be prepared for one to two months of recovery, and you may experience pain throughout this period. In general, pain is mild to moderate after abdominoplasty. Rarely, pain or sensory abnormalities may persist for months or even years after the procedure. If your pain is severe or persistent, you should tell your healthcare provider.
Frequent questions
How painful is recovery from a tummy tuck?It varies from person to person. In general, pain from a tummy tuck can be managed with over-the-counter medications, compression garments, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Typically, the surgeon injects a nerve block pain medication into the transverse plane of the abdomen during a tummy tuck. This helps minimize post-operative pain. Once the block is gone, you may need prescription pain medication for a few days after the procedure.
How long does it take to recover after a tummy tuck?Like most surgeries, it may take several weeks for you to fully recover from a tummy tuck. Recovery time will depend on a number of factors, including your age, overall health and the extent of the surgery – an extended tummy tuck will take longer to heal than a mini tuck.
As long as there are no complications, it won’t take more than eight weeks to feel like your old self again.
How long will I be out of work after a tummy tuck?It depends on the type of work you do. People who have an office job can usually return to work after two weeks of recovery from a tummy tuck. However, if you have a more physical job, you may need at least six weeks before you can be cleared to return to work.
When can I start exercising again after a tummy tuck?You should avoid vigorous activity for at least six weeks after abdominoplasty. This includes serious workouts. To speed up healing, you should stay active and, as soon as you feel up to it, you can take short walks that gradually become longer. However, you should not run or lift weights until your incision is fully healed and your surgeon clears you for exercise.