Learn more about Tom Brannen’s live root canal treatment using the latest endodontic techniques and technology ahead of the next Dentistry Live session.
“Endodontic treatment is not a race to the top…it is the progressive cleaning and shaping of the canal.” So said Tom Brannen, a dentist with a special interest in endodontics, as he joined Dentistry Live to present ‘Endodontics Live: Part 1’ – live root canal treatment in real time using the latest techniques, instruments and irrigation systems.
Taking place at Campbell Academy in Nottingham and sponsored by Dentsply Sirona, Tom wanted to dispel the dread many dentists feel about endodontic treatment. Instead, he wanted to demonstrate an efficient, repeatable workflow for dentists to provide endodontic treatments in their own surgery to provide more patients with high-quality care.
The case focused on the treatment of a female patient with a right upper quadrant that had become necrotic, initially due to periosteal problems. Despite the extensive bone loss, the tooth was quite stable.
As Tom explained, the goal of endodontic treatment is to try to do everything we can to preserve the tooth for as long as possible. It is a delicate procedure designed to preserve the structural integrity of dentin and teeth and depends on a detailed understanding of the root canal system, good access planning and the use of appropriate instruments, disinfection and irrigation systems.
“Select file system to meet tooth”
With a number of endodontic file systems available, Tom stressed the importance of choosing the right one for the situation.
In this case the tooth was quite narrow with thin canals. Tom chose to use TruNatomy from Dentsply Sirona, the latest innovation in endodontic treatment with a file system specifically designed to shape, clean and occlude while preserving as much tooth structure as possible.
Since dentin is removed only where clinically necessary, the structural strength of the tooth is maintained while ensuring adequate canal irrigation.
As access is a critical step in treatment to ensure adequate visibility and access to the canals for proper cleaning and shaping, Tom used the Orifice Modifier to create the ideal entry point, followed by the Glide Path file to gently remove any further strictures.
With TruNatomy including products for every step of root canal treatment, Tom demonstrated how to use the Shaping Files to leave more room for debris removal, thorough cleaning and disinfection of the canals using the Irrigation Needle and EndoActivator and how to best place Conform Fit Gutta-Percha Points to match the exact shapes created by the files.
Finally, fill the channels using AH Plus bioceramic sealer and a modified single-cone technique to ensure a rapid healing process.
Stay focused on patience
In the Q&A session that followed the live broadcast, Tom explained that his patient was fully aware that her long-term prognosis might not be ideal, but she wanted to try to keep her tooth for as long as possible.
He added that in addition to preserving as much dentin as possible, this was a key element of the case. It is important to remember that the main goal of endodontic treatment is to remain patient-centered in order to improve the quality of endodontic care and patient outcomes.
For more information on Dentsply Sirona TruNatomy endodontic treatment solutions, visit www.dentsplysirona.com/en-gb/categories/endodontics/trunatomy.html.
Check out our upcoming endodontic training courses through Dentsply Sirona Academy.
Join endodontist, Sagi Shavit, as he performs his live root canal treatment on Dentistry Live on Thursday, September 28.