Even the most beautiful people feel insecure about some part of their appearance. Whether it’s their nose, weight or height, the majority of the population is picky about something.
For men, a common concern is their hair. or rather, the lack of it, according to a doctor who told FEMAIL how thinning locks can leave many males struggling with crushing low self-esteem.
Dr Manish Mittal, who owns The Mittal Hair Clinic in London (mittalhairclinic.com), explained that “many men feel stigmatized” about issues related to hair loss – as well as hair transplants to solve the problem.
Of the more than 2,000 hair transplant patients he has seen, all have a “heartbreaking story” and have been bullied for their hair loss, he revealed.
He said that with most men, it starts with “mild intimidation.”
Gary Lineker appeared to aim a bald head at Frank Lampard – to Chelsea great’s shock
stock image Around 85 percent of men will be affected by some type of hair loss in their lifetime and most of the time this will be a result of genetics
“They might get their head rubbed on a night out or get slapped… All of these comments are very common! They may take it as a joke, but it certainly takes a mental toll.’
“I’ve had patients come in and say they’re not going out, they’re hiding their hair under a hat and they’re not going to appointments,” the doctor recalls.
“The most common story is actually they’re on a date and they’re doing their hair a certain way and then they move around a little bit and catch a glimpse of themselves in a window or something – not even a mirror – and pick up and leave the date . It’s almost like they feel like they’ve got their pants down.’
She added that despite having a number of celebrity clients who “could go anywhere to get them endorsed” – even A-listers struggling with thinning locks want “discretion”.
The doctor also said that many men are disgusted by having insecurities in the first place and think that “we should have a full upper lip” – and look at people like Jason Statham, the Rock, who are “very good men” and “rock” . the bald look”.
About 85 percent of men they will be affected by some type of hair loss in their lifetime and most of the time this will be a result of genetics.
Earlier this week, Gary Lineker launched a scathing attack on former Chelsea player Frank Lampard after he joked that “no one wants to see the back of his head”.
While on The Rest Is Football Podcast, the host said: “No one wants to see the back of your head these days, do they Frank? This is certain!’
Seconds earlier, Lampard had smiled after making a joke about the view from the BBC studio
Lineker has since addressed the gaffe on the podcast, explaining that he actually “meant it for everyone”.
“Obviously Frank’s a little thin, I’m a little thin and actually I meant it for everyone,” said the former England, Tottenham and Barcelona star.
Describing Frank’s reaction, Gary said: “But when it came out, it came out a bit wrong. And you know Frank does that thing where he’s smiling, and then all of a sudden he’s not smiling?’
Commenting on the situation, hair transplant doctor Dr Mittal said Frank’s reaction “sums up how any hair loss sufferer really feels”.
He added that he felt “ashamed” and knew he had to apologize after the episode when he realized his harsh words.
“They don’t like their bald spot being commented on because it makes them feel hugely insecure.”
He added that those looking for solutions “100% feel frustrated about seeking treatment” and so he “highlights the importance of this space” where people can get help.
Some believe that more “masculine” men actually have it worse when it comes to losing locks, as they have higher amounts of testosterone which causes baldness.
Although the real story behind it is more complicated. Often the two are linked because the androgen that causes hair loss dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is produced from testosterone by an enzyme.
Testosterone can therefore lead to an increase in baldness, but the primary factor that determines how much is the sensitivity of a person’s follicle to the hormones.
Frank Lampard – one of the 85 per cent of men affected by hair loss – is not the only footballer to have suffered insecurity due to a lack of bottles.
Rob Holding, Wayne Rooney and Andros Townsend have had transplants to complement their thinning hair.
Lineker told The Rest Is Football that he intends to apologize to Lampard for his inadvertent tirade.
For most – 95 percent of hair loss sufferers – the number one cause is ‘male pattern baldness’ which is caused by genetics and is so difficult to control.
Being highly sensitive to the DHT hormone can cause hair follicles to shrink.
As the follicles shrink due to exposure to DHT, the hair responds by growing back thinner, finer and shorter.
Over time, the follicles then shrink so much that none grow at all.
Often this will appear around the forehead and crown of the head where the follicles will begin to recede.
This will eventually leave a horseshoe pattern of hair around the bottom of the head.
Men with this trait may start losing their locks as early as their early teens. Mainly, the sooner it starts, the more significant the loss will be.
A man who received a hair transplant from Dr. Mittal wrote an extremely positive review of his experience, going so far as to say that the treatment restored his “confidence and self-esteem.”
The patient described a drastic improvement in his “love life” as well as the enhancement of a “vibrant” social life “full of joy and connection.”
“Feeling attractive and confident about myself opened doors that I had closed for far too long. Dr. Mani didn’t just do my hair. he gave me my life back. For that, I am eternally grateful,” they added.
Commenting on whether he believes there are “double standards” for men and women, Dr Mittal added: “Women can put hair extensions in their hair, they can wear make-up – no one bats an eyelid.
“They can get Botox, fillers… Because it’s normalized.
“This is its own issue because it creates a standard of beauty that is almost unattainable and has an impact on women’s mental health.
“But, for example, a woman can wear extensions. When a man wears a toupee… people start joking, “oh, he’s wearing a wig.”
“There is absolutely a huge double standard.”