After a life in the spotlight, Brooke Shields’ new book, Brooke Shields is not allowed to get older, (outside January 14) is her most challenging.
At 59, the star is extremely honest, for everything, from sex to motherhood in claiming the service on her body – including the doctor’s office.
He writes about an irregular transmission that led to a “cone biopsy”, a process for removing abnormal tissue from the cervix. The pre-cancerous cells were removed-but only years later he learned (from a female doctor) that the aggressive biopsy would find it difficult to capture due to the scar that he left behind. This was only the forerunner in another medical procedure that had had unexpected consequences.
Below, read an exclusive excerpt shared with people from the chapter entitled “It is no longer the punching bag: an objection to self -service” for the time it discovered a medical procedure that has not agreed.
Flatiron books
About eight years after both my girls, I found myself in another – and afterwards, much more intense – a situation where she felt my medical care came out of my hands. I was at an appointment with my gynecologist, and after my exams he asked if I ever felt discomfort because of my lips.
“Only in tight jeans and rotation lessons and every romantic moment ever,” I said.
(I apologize if this is very graphic or just tMi, as some generations still call it. I would lie if I said that I am not embarrassed to share this very familiar information. But if we want to change the way we approach and speak For women’s health, then we have to bring the unpleasant but very real issues.
My lips (we have to admit that this is a funny word) was an issue for me since I was in high school and one was ashamed forever. My best friend Lisa had the same situation and at least together we could laugh at it. It’s like being in a boxing gym and you have two small speed bags between your legs, they would be joking. He hurt and was on the road, and when I told my gynecologist so much, he said he was very common and that I was definitely a candidate for a lip reduction process.
Taylor Hill/Getty
Technically it would consider a cosmetic process – even what is still bothering me because we are talking about pain – but it was the one that would significantly reduce my hassle. Because it has to be reduced to a cosmetic choice, as if I wanted a more photogenic lips so that I can be in adult movies (nothing against those in the profession!). This also meant that, like many other important procedures for women, it would not be covered by insurance. In any case, my doctor made me feel less ashamed and relieved that there was a solution. Recommended a doctor in Los Angeles
I had a consultation with this (yes, male) doctor and I wondered why I hadn’t heard of this surgery earlier – years of discomfort, possibly stable! I went to have the process. When it was over, my doctor gave me the collapse of how he went. “I was very detailed,” he said, in my relief and excitement. And then: “I was there for four hours, and you know what I did? I tighten you a little! He gave you a little rejuvenation!”
Wait, what? I was shocked, speechless. I can’t remember how I answered, or even if I said anything. Should i say thank you?
Images Michael Simon/GC
“After two children, everything is more relaxed,” he said. But I had C sections, and a cracked, more limited cervix, I answered. “Still …” he said, looking, as if he were waiting for a further reaction from the lady whose legs were shiny to the metal fasteners. He acted as if he had done me a favor and that he should, in fact, be grateful. There was a real “I threw this free, Little Lady” vibe in his tradition. But I had never asked to “tighten” or “rejuvenated” (translation: given a younger vagina). I felt numb.
I was terrified, but also with loss. I didn’t want to sue this man – or maybe I wanted it, but I didn’t feel that I could – because I didn’t really want to talk about my lady’s pieces, once again on the front page of every paper. This man changed my body surgically without my consent. And he thought he had done me a favor by throwing a “bonus process”? His huge bronze was outraged by me. The fact that the most intimate parts of my body were a public focus for so long … it was already enough. All I could think about was, why not everyone can leave my trick alone? (Even now, as I write this, I know this will be the piece that makes the headlines. Whatever women deserve all the information.)
If I were happy with the results of the process, I would still be angry to do so without my consent. But as it turns out, I was not happy with the results, and it wasn’t since then. I can’t bother me to change anything now, but once I was healed, I definitely noticed a difference in my body and not good. Maybe if I were someone who was obsessed with sex, I would be happy about “Freebie”, but I would say that my sexual movement is quite characteristic for a woman at my age. I like intimacy, but I don’t need it every day. And the truth is that the process did not enhance my pleasure.
Brooke Shields/Instagram
I never took action against this doctor. I never talked to him again about it, partly because I had begun to question myself, wondering if he was right, that I should feel lucky. Or maybe, I thought, this was a necessary improvement for my man, who was secretly unhappy, but would never dare to deal with the issue of “my loose down-theres?” It’s crazy for me that these ideas even fell on my head. What is even more crazy is that I didn’t discuss it with my husband until later. I can’t remember because I finally told him, but he was almost as angry as I was.
Because if the same thing happened today, my reaction would not be so generous. My feeling is basically a giant middle finger. F — This guy! He had no right to do what he did, and if it happened to me now, I would make my head and launch it everywhere. This is what this age feels, and I like it much better.
Adapted by Brooke Shields is not allowed to get older: thoughts on aging as a womanFrom January 14th from the Flatiron books. Copyright © 2025 by Brooke Shields. All rights are maintained. No part of this passage may be reproduced or reprinted without authorization by the publisher.
Brooke Shields is not allowed to get older: thoughts on aging as a woman It comes out on January 14th and is now available for pre -order, where books are sold.