- Author, Shona Elliott and Ruth Clegg
- Role, BBC news surveys
A self -serving “Beauty Advisor”, the Customer List Wey Celebrity includes Katie Price, Dey offers potentially dangerous cosmetic procedures for illegal medication with customers and hand – a BBC Don research.
Ricky Sawyer Dey specializes in wet Brazilian lifts (BBLS) – Wey involves the injection of skin filling into a di bum bum to lift the DEM and make the DEM look bigger.
BBC News Don Tok to five of the customers of Im Wey need emergency hospital therapy AFTA DIA DIA. We also show that the testimonies of most dan 30 women wey tok say dem dey live with serious complications such as rot and necrosis (tissue death).
A woman tells us that she feels probably “dying” Dan makes Kontinu wit di pain, she feels AFTA DI.
Several local authorities Don Ban Oga Sawyer from exercise for DIA areas.
Our secret filming captures Sawyer as e dey issues antibiotics without a valid recipe – criminal offense. E no dey qualifications to prescribe and di pills do not label for a particular patient.
And we also offer to introduce growing doses of a local anesthetic spirit of any prescription – again illegal – and does not ask for the burden of our journalist, endangering excessive dose.
By presenting as a potential customer and her boyfriend, we keep a 45 -minute appointment with Mr. Sawyer via the IM Instagram page. We say we want 200ml (7fl oz) liquid injection BBL Wey costs £ 1,200. We pay a deposit of £ 200.
Although advertising says that DEM performs all Di Liquid BBLS under the guidance of a “specialist ultrasound doctor”, no one presents for pop clinic IM. Work for a small room in the East London office – a non -clinical Wey Go environment increases the risk of infection.
Within five minutes the Wey dem dey im office office, Oga Sawyer Don begins to encourage Tori Pesin to fly to increase the amount of filling. “You are surprising about how much product you go to get and still look natural,” he suggests.
At the end of the appointment, Sawyer Don offers to introduce a liter of filling – 500ml (almost one pint) per hug – wey go costs £ 2,000.
We do not and later return to put our Sawyer claims – but refuse to the Ansa our Kwesions and the closure of our journalist’s door.
Reviewing our material, plastic surgeon Dalvi Humzah, Wey Siddon to the common cosmetic council of cosmetic professionals, say Sawyer actions “shock”, “very dangerous” and put patients with a huge risk of infection and potentially deadly complications.
“Making volume in, for a meeting, dey really dangerous”, Oga Humzah Tok. “Glutenians are such large areas that have been infected by the body and the end of the body and the end of the sepsis – or even make Di Pesin die.”
Di Dem Dey Di Use for BBLS liquids get hyaluronic acid, wey dems commonly used in face filling treatments.
Becos Large quantities of Di Acid Dey are involved in BBLs, and E are risking serious side effects such as blood clots and septicemia, Dem dey consider one of the most dangerous cosmetic procedures.
Oga Sawyer Dey possessed the camera say Im dey is doing up to seven procedures in one day, six days in a week. The charge charges thousands of pounds per appointment.
One of the female Wey Wey Tok says she does not experience serious AFTA complications received by OGA Sawyer Na Joanne. Mom of two Pikin from South Wales, she only wants her name, she travels seven hours to Essex for DI treatment.
It does not make cosmetic Oda Bifor treatments and she sees Ricky Sawyer many ads and celebrities, liquid BBL is not like a big step towards her.
All he wants, he says, he says, “Peachy Bum”.
But Wen Joanne arrives, she begins to get second thoughts.
Tok says DEM sends only one postcode and waka enta one industrial estate.
In the di end, she finds a small door on an apartment block and DEM tells Am waiting for a “dingy a short runway” for about half an hour.
“I guess Turn and ran,” she tok, “but I don’t pay £ 600 deposit and travel in all ways.”
DEM carries the enta One Small Room Wia Na “only a bed, tiny stool and workbench”, and Na Dia that first meets Ricky Sawyer.
AFTA counts the rest of her cash – £ 2,000 in total – she says she tells her to stand for the front while sitting on the di stool.
As e begins to introduce its spirit (1.8 pints) of the filling, DI pain quickly becomes unbearable.
“I felt stunned, ill and as unstable. My legs are not moving properly, and in a minute I will start,” Tok says. “I remember saying I’m looking round and taking white gloves full of blood.”
At the end of the Di process, Joanne Dey on Pain: “I dey in such a lot of pain, my bum bum don has been completely deformed.”
Says it fits as soon as it is sitting. By the time he arrives at home swollen from starting and does not fit.
“Ricky Message Many times tok about how bad I feel and how anxious I Dey. I just tell me to take my antibiotics.”
With the point DIS, Don Dey Happun.
“My temperature goes up and I feel terrible,” Joanne Tok. “I Phone 999; Becos I Dey Sweat and Shout.”
For the hospital, DEM gives its intravenous antibiotics. At one point, a surgeon draws on the bum’s feeling to show that the Wia DEM has to cut, Becos Di Dey infection spreads so fast.
AFTA messages Ricky Sawyer says DEY for hospital septicemia says it is blocking it from your Instagram account.
Fortunately, Joanne does not need a function.
Anoda of Sawyer’s Customer, Louise Moller, need emergency emergency intervention.
Four days AFTA receives BBL for IM Essex Clinic in October 2023, Di 28 years from Bolton Land for the hospital.
She calls her mom, Janet, from the Salford Royal A&E section, she says: “Mom, I tell me I’m going to die.”
Louise Don’s septicemia and surgeon say it fits every minute. To stop the infection by Di to move through her body, Dem cut the dead tissue from the Di area, covering almost the entire left bum.
Come from wia dis foto, Janet taylor
Janet promises that her daughter says she’s going to stop being happy with Anoda Pesin and reporting Ricky Sawyer at Dia Local Police Stain for Bolton.
“How does it fit knowing to say that you kill someone?” Says to Di BBC.
However, the Louise case highlights the difficulty of keeping professionals as I am in charge.
Janet Say Di Police for Bolton Tell Am Say Dem GO You must pass the Di file to Essex Police, Wia Di Hapun incident.
Criminal prosecution is difficult, however, warns Becos Louise don sign consent form.
The BBC News did not approach both Manchester police and Essex police to find out about the Di case – both tok say they depend on ODAS to investigate DI.
From a legal point of view, Notin Wey Dem Fit Do Do to stop Sawyer from the exercise.
Injecting skin fillers NA non -surgical procedure and e dey not adjusted, e means that one fits Do AM – and DEM NO FIT STOP DEM.
AFTA dies, in addition to a face – a Wey dey team for greater arrangement to cover non -surgical procedures – Call for a new Wey Go Ban Any Oda Dan registered surgeons with the General Medical Council (GMC) to perform liquid BBLS.
The founder of Save Face, Ashton Collins, says the organization of Don receives complaints from 39 women about Ricky Sawyer.
All Di women, she says, DEM say they say DEm need emergency hospital therapy AFTA DI process.
Each DEM, he says, DEM DO BBL and suffers complications such as sepsis, necrosis and deformation.
“We do not encourage women to report DIA’s experiences in the police,” she. “Some report Don and Dem Neva make any tin.”
So far, the most effective action of local authorities does not take, the third by the Glasgow Municipal Council, the Forestry Council and the Brentwood – Confam Be Say Dem Essice Prohibition in accordance with health and safety law for protection of the public by serious injury.
But “e just proceed to the Anoda area for Di Kontri and continue”, Collins Tok.
We put our evidence in the Di Dem Tok Say Dem Dey Ministry of Health and Social Care “We are urgently examining options for tougher arrangement.”
Dem tok says that our findings “shock” and Pipo Wey Dem Catch Wey Dey give “medication without permission to feel di full of di Law”.
We are trying to put our claims to Ricky Sawyer personally by facing AM for the Im East London clinic.
Once you see the Di camera, try to close the door, the Bifor e go hide for di back of Door.
We ask if it is the law on the split of law, delivering medicine only for a prescription and if you get anytin to say to women wey tok say DEM leave here with serious injuries, dat need urgent care.
“No,” e tok – and tell us to do comot.
The risks of unjust cosmetic surgery should be taken much more seriously, Ashton Collins Tok.
“Di General Vibe to say dis na stupid women wey make stupid choices.
The attitude has to change, adds: “Pipo dey is out of Dia dey no risk wit pipo lives, and Dem Fit Do Witout no punishment.”