Except this is not common practice. For years, it was rumored that the pearly smiles of Beautiful People™ involved a major filing of the teeth to make room for a brand new set, but that’s just a confusion of dental language. “They had crowns, not veneers. A veneer covers the front of the tooth, while a crown covers the entire portion of the tooth,” he says. Dr. Amy-Rose AnfilogoffBrighton based dentist specializing in cosmetic procedures. Additionally, Real Pricey’s unreal teeth are a holdover from old-fashioned technique. “In other countries – and especially in the old days – dentists would just crown the teeth, but in modern dentistry we try to do veneers. It is a legal obligation. They’re going to sue me, you don’t need such invasive treatment.”
It is not one size fits all. Instead, there are two different ways to artificially improve the appearance of your teeth – and neither is as extreme as crowns. The simplest, easiest method is composite veneer. “Some people know composite as the white material used in fillings, but with a veneer, we apply the same resin directly to the tooth and that’s known as composite build-up,” says Anfilogoff. “It’s basically a thin layer that covers the front of the tooth in whatever color fits best. So you can go lighter and you can shape the teeth according to the patient’s request.” Even better, it’s convenient. Depending on the initial assessment, composite veneers can be done there and then right in the dentist’s chair. No confusion. And, with an average cost of around £200 per tooth, it’s not a staggering amount compared to other cosmetic procedures.
Go porcelain, however, and you can expect a longer process — and an extra cost. “A porcelain veneer involves a very thin layer that is used to cover the front layer of your tooth. Sometimes it goes to the back, but usually, it’s just the front,” says Anfilogoff. And, although there may be small tooth removal, it’s nothing compared to crowns. “Sometimes, we need to shave a very small amount of a tooth to allow it to sit properly without looking bulky.” But this is the last port of call, says Anfilogoff. “Today, we want to remove as little tooth surface as possible. Not only does it bond better with the outer layer of the tooth, but removing the surface is irreversible – you can’t grow it back. As dentists, we want to prevent any we lose and we preserve as much as we can.”
As a longer procedure, porcelain veneers can start from around £800. and this can soon add up when five or more teeth are treated. That said, Anfilogoff usually returns to composite: the more affordable option, she says, and a lighter step into the world of cosmetic dentistry. The cons are also few. “They last about five to seven years and only need polishing as the margins – where the veneer meets the tooth – can get stained. Porcelain veneers last longer, but you have the same staining problem and sometimes, It is much easier to repair a composite veneer, because you can do it in the chair, you have the material on hand.
Which is a relatively minor procedure for a major facelift. No shaving. No coughing for a brand new seat in a decade. Indeed, like all areas of modern medicine, dentistry is constantly modernizing. ‘Cry Me A River’ is not a number one. It’s not 2003. You can get a brand new smile with ease and, luckily, keep your original set in the process.
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