This week is the week of dementia, an event across the United Kingdom aimed at the public to take action to help improve the life of those who live with dementia.
It is said to be 34.5 million people who know someone who is living with dementia today throughout the United Kingdom and one in three of those born in the United Kingdom will continue to develop dementia during their lifetime. But did you know that a common dental screening can indicate the onset of the disease in some patients?
To coincide with the week of dementia, Dr Smita Mehra, BDS MFGDPRCS, and the main dentist in dental practice Neem Tree explains the relationship between Alzheimer’s health and oral and the way in which family and friends can :
What is the connection between oral health and Alzheimer’s?
“Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease that usually affects those aged 60 and over and its connection to oral health focuses on the long -term effects of tooth and gum care on patients as the disease progresses.
“The previously diagnosed a patient, the faster they can be trained on how to effectively cleanse and take care of their oral health through simple, digestible instructions, almost as muscle memory.”
How can your oral health show signs of Alzheimer’s?
“Some initial signs of an Alzheimer’s patient will be a mouth that has not been taken care.
“There will be large plaque and calculus deposits, and swollen or bleeding gums with cavities. These will be either visible to us as dentists or visible by the patient complaining of pain in contact or air firing in the teeth.
“A dry mouth because of aging or complex combinations of drugs can also lead to dental cavities, as well as difficulty swallowing or sometimes even speaking. With Alzheimer’s, the overall presentation of the patient is the key. In simple words, these are the signs of neglect.
“As dentists. We will not isolate and detect bacteria, e.g. Gingivalis porphyromonaswhich have been linked to this disease. We will leave it to scientists. ”
What does the current survey say about this link?
“One of the biggest links between periodontal disease and Alzheimer’s patients is the proof of a specific type of bacteria found in the oral cavities – Gingivalis porphyromonas. Some studies show that this particular type of bacteria is associated with patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.
“There are also some purely observing theories that mercury – a well -known neurotoxin found in amalgam fills – could potentially be linked to patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, as well as MS and chronic fatigue syndrome.
“Many UK dental practices are not usually based on amalgam fills and instead use mercury -free alternatives, such as ceramic or complex fills. In addition, some European countries such as France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark have either prohibit either limiting the use of mercury filling over the last two decades. ”
What do people need to do to protect themselves better than the possible impact on the health of this connection?
‘Prevention is the key when it comes to reducing the probability of Gingivalis porphyromonas Bacteria grow in oral cavities. Patients should regularly view their dentists for hygiene checks and visits, stay at the top of the treatments and avoid any deterioration of the situation by reducing the number of bacteria.
“For Alzheimer’s patients at more developed stages of the disease, a companion or family member should be in the room during any dental appointments or checks in order to understand how to help with maintenance of oral care at home. Outside From this, they could communicate any dental issues or symptoms that may have seen the patient suffer.
“They should also make sure they are scheduled to schedule future appointments for the patient with their dentist and asking to receive reminders via an e -mail or text message so that they are not forgotten.”