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Browsing: Minutes
The painless £7,000 facelift that takes 30 minutes and leaves your friends wondering – “how does she look so good?”
There are many things that change in your face as you grow older, but the most disturbing – for me – was the collapse of my…
IRVINE, CA, USA: BIOLASE, a world leader in dental lasers, is proud to announce that its Waterlase dental laser system has been licensed in the US…
I went from a B cup to a C in 15 minutes with the world’s first injectable breast implant procedure
A woman received the world’s first injectable breast implant procedure, which took her from a small B cup to a C in 15 minutes. Erin Alexander…
It’s unclear whether recruiting large robots for dental procedures like fillings and crowns will make visits more pleasant—if anything, it’s easier to imagine many patients canceling…
A child pulls out a rotten tooth every 11 minutes: ‘Shocking’ figures reveal dire state of NHS dentistry as it is revealed almost 50,000 children needed teeth extracted in hospital last year
More than 100 children a day were admitted to hospital last year to have their teeth removed under general anaesthetic, according to official figures.The Office for…
Brightcove video playbackInside a one-day Brazilian Butt Lift course, an ITV News investigation reveals the alarming rise in dangerous cosmetic surgery happening in the UKLouise Moller…