After the area was cleaned and given local anesthesia, the doctor began the FUE procedure. “After extracting 1,000 hairs over four hours, the doctor spent the remaining four hours implanting the hairs into the bald areas at the front of my head. The same process was repeated on the second day.”
After the surgery, Lemont took two weeks off work and was advised not to exercise or use public transportation during that time. At home, she would spray the newly depilated area with saline every 30 minutes. This should last for about five days. “I washed my head twice a day with baby shampoo and took medication a few times a day,” says Lemont. “Sleeping was difficult as I was advised to sleep upright or on one side. Insider tip: invest in a travel pillow.”
“Healing should be relatively quick,” says Iniekio. “Redness, swelling and bruising are normal. Swelling will last two to three days, redness – especially on the dome – usually takes a week to fade. The thing that will last the longest is the bruising and it can last anywhere from three to four weeks, depending on the person.”
“If, weeks after, you start to experience pain in certain areas, it may be because you have an infection in the area. That’s why it’s important to have a doctor offer you regular checkups after the procedure. There’s usually one in the first two weeks and then one normally every six months and finally one 12 months after the procedure”.
Tips for subsequent hair transplant
1. Don’t touch it. “You need to take care of your newly transplanted hair with special care. avoid touching, combing or rubbing the area for about three days after the procedure,” says the hair transplant surgeon Dr. Mark Tam. “Be careful getting in and out of cars because your scalp will still be numb initially and a little bump on the head will probably undo some of your surgeon’s good work, meaning your hairline will need repair ».
2. Spray with saline solution. During the first few hours after surgery, the transplanted area may ooze. Spraying it with saline will help wash away any blood and prevent clots from forming. “This also improves the appearance of the hairline in the coming week – no one wants to go back to work with visible blood along their hairline. that would be the greatest gift you’ve had work done,” says Tam. “Continue to spray the solution on the area every 30 minutes for the first three days. the moisture will help the grafts heal.”
3. Washing your hair. From day four onwards, you will be able to wash the transplanted area, but you must follow your surgeon’s advice on how and when to do this. This will vary depending on the hair transplant technique used. However, you must wash the area because not washing can lead to infection, which will stop the transplanted hair from thriving.
4. Patience is a virtue. “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” says Tam. “Your transplanted hair will take several months to start growing. Typically, results take 12 to 18 months to mature. When you look at it after a few weeks, the shedding process will have taken place. This is normal, but it will look patchy. Avoid stressing too much about it because stress can further accelerate hair loss.”
5. Take medication. As Lemont mentioned, taking medication is part of the recovery process. “Unless you’ve lost most of the natural hair on top of your scalp, medications often help thicken and maintain the hair you do have,” says Tam. “Modern approaches to hair restoration usually combine hair transplants with prescription drugs to reduce future hair loss.”
“From day one I saw immediate results,” says Lemont. “The donor hair fell out after a month, but that’s actually a good sign that the new hairs are coming out and pulling out the donor hair. It is important to remember that it is actually the root that has been transplanted, not the hair.”