Our pets rely on us to keep them happy and healthy. Along with parasite prevention and a nutritious diet, pets need regular dental care. Many pet parents forget that maintaining their pet’s dental hygiene is essential to overall health.
In fact, poor dental hygiene could lead to gum disease, oral injury and health problems down the road. Fortunately, pet health insurance providers offer dental insurance to ensure your pet’s teeth are taken care of.
The Top 4 Pet Dental Insurance Providers
Keep reading to learn more about the following pet insurance providers so you can choose the best one for your needs:
Compare Animal Dental Insurance Companies
What does pet dental insurance usually cover?
Dental injury, dental disease, and dental cleaning are the three most common dental items you’ll see on pet insurance policies. Different incidents and conditions are covered under these categories, so make sure you understand what that particular provider means when they say “dental insurance”.
Dental injury – Dental injuries such as chipped, chipped or broken teeth are covered in most traditional accident/sickness plans. Dental injuries can result from something as serious as your pet being hit by a car or as simple as chewing too hard on a bone.
Dental disease – Dental diseases are conditions such as gingivitis, stomatitis, cat tooth resorption and periodontal disease that can occur unexpectedly or result from inadequate dental care. Because some pet dental diseases are preventable, pet insurance providers sometimes exclude them from coverage. If dental disease coverage is important to your pet, be sure to read the fine print of the various plan options.
Regular dental care – Pet insurance providers consider dental cleaning part of preventative care, so they don’t usually cover it under accident/illness plans. Many providers offer wellness plans for dental hygiene services, such as regular dental cleanings, brushing, and annual checkups. Preventive care plans may also reimburse you for dental care products such as dental chews, pet toothpaste, and dental supplements.
Do you really need pet dental insurance?
According to the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, your pet’s oral health affects all aspects of their overall well-being. By the age of three, most dogs and cats have developed dental disease. Pets constantly ingest germs because they use their mouths to eat, play, and pick things up. Pets also can’t brush their teeth, so germs and food debris stay there unless we clean their mouths. We can maintain regular pet dental care at home, but professional work is required to truly ensure good dental health.
Veterinary dental work is not cheap. Along with dental procedures, regular cleanings often require anesthesia, which adds hundreds of dollars to your vet bill. The cost of treating your pet’s dental injuries will likely include office fees, medication costs, diagnostic fees, and more. In short, pet dental insurance is a beneficial tool for managing veterinary dental costs if and when they arise.
How Much Does Pet Dental Insurance Cost?
Pet dental insurance costs vary depending on what you need covered. Traditional pet insurance plans cover unexpected dental injuries, dental cleanings and offer pet wellness programs. Dental disease coverage varies by provider. Some pet insurance companies consider dental disease to be preventable and do not offer coverage.
Pet insurance companies usually cover dental issues under traditional accident/sickness plans, so you won’t need to buy a dental insurance add-on. Most accident/sickness plans cost around $30-40 per month for dogs and $15-25 per month for cats.
Wellness add-ons can cost anywhere from $20 to $50 per month, but they really vary by provider. Be sure to check your provider’s specific preventive care limits for regular dental cleanings. Your preventive care package will only cover a portion of the cost of cleaning your teeth.
The vet will likely anesthetize your pet for the cleaning. Sedation requires a pre-operative exam and blood work, which can raise your pet’s dental cleaning costs up to around $700. For example, a veterinarian in Los Angeles lists a non-anesthetic cleaning at $180 and an anesthetic cleaning at $680.
Pet Dental Insurance Providers Overview
Find out more in our Prudent Pet review.
How can you prevent pet dental problems?
The best way to prevent your pet’s dental problems is to keep up with regular care. You can brush your pet’s teeth weekly to remove any build-up of bacteria or tartar. Be sure to use vet-approved toothpaste for best results.
You can also buy dental chews for your pet. These chews – disguised as tasty treats – clean your pet’s teeth and gums while providing enrichment and fun. If your pet is not interested in dental treats and refuses to brush his teeth, you can use dental water additives that will rinse his mouth and suppress bad breath.
Along with dental care at home, pet owners should take their animals to the vet for routine dental exams and cleanings. These exams and cleanings aren’t cheap, but they will help prevent more serious dental problems down the road.
Final thoughts
Pet dental insurance can cover a range of things from dental injuries to periodontal disease. Dental treatments can be expensive – sometimes involving scans, anaesthesia, tooth extractions and drugs, so cover is important.
Most policies cover dental accidents and illnesses, but you can also purchase an accident-only plan for unexpected dental accidents. No matter what, be sure to read the fine print of your policy for any possible exclusions.
Now that you understand the importance of your pet’s dental health, you can get to work finding a pet insurance agency that meets your needs. We hope our top provider reviews help you find the best pet insurance for your pet’s dental needs that will leave you and your furry friend smiling from ear to ear!
Frequently asked questions about pet dental insurance
Do all vets take pet insurance?
In short, yes. Your pet insurance provider doesn’t work with your vet, so you don’t have to worry about your vet being in-network like a human health insurance plan. Instead, you submit your claim directly to your pet insurance provider, who will reimburse you based on your coverage. This allows you to go to any licensed veterinarian, whether in a clinic or an animal hospital, to get your pet the care it needs. As long as the treatment is covered by your plan, you’ll be covered.
How do I get reimbursed for a vet bill?
Just take your cat to any licensed vet and submit your claim. Depending on your provider, you can submit your claim through the mobile app, the online member center, or by mail. You will then wait for the provider to approve the claim. Once approved, they will refund the amount allocated to your pet insurance policy via direct deposit or check.
Do pet insurance policies have waiting periods?
Yes, pet insurance policies have longer waiting periods than ever. between your initial enrollment period and the official start of coverage for the plan. With most providers, the standard is around 14 days for accident and illness, but some others, including Lemonade and Embrace, can shorten your waiting period by up to two days for accidents.