UAB experts provide dating tips to prepare your child to return to school.
UAB experts provide dating tips to prepare your child to return to school.As summer ends and the school year begins, parents may be thinking about steps they can take to protect their child’s health this school year. Experts from the University of Alabama at Birmingham are here to help with their recommendations for four appointments parents should take their child to as they head back to school.
Primary Health Care Provider Appointment
Before they go back to school, David KimberlinMD, co-director of UAB and Children of Alabama The Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases recommends that children visit their pediatrician or family doctor for their annual checkup appointment.
“All school-aged children should have an annual checkup by their doctor,” Kimberlin said. “The assessment is comprehensive and concerns both physical and mental health.”
During these pediatric visits, doctors can help determine if children are healthy and developing as they should. They also help healthcare providers catch potential problems early, when they might be easier to treat. Parents will also have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about their child’s behavior or development. Timing of annual flu and COVID vaccines should also be discussed.
Dentist appointment
When parents take children to their dental appointments, pediatric dentists can detect any dental problems early and administer the appropriate treatment immediately to prevent further complications. While UAB experts recommend that every child have their first dental visit before the age of 1, Stephen Mitchell, DMD, a professor at the UAB School of Dentistry, says that if the child does not yet have a dentist, the summer it’s a great time to find the one.
“It’s best for a child to have a dentist who sees them regularly at least twice a year,” Mitchell said. “If a child hasn’t seen a dentist or hasn’t seen one in years, we recommend scheduling a visit to make sure they don’t have any dental problems that may be causing them discomfort and distracting them from learning while at school.” .
Mitchell says nutrition is vital to maintaining a child’s oral health and encourages parents to reduce the amount of sugary foods and drinks children consume during the school year. She recommends replacing sugary drinks with water, plain milk, or any beverage that has 10 or fewer calories per serving.
“We want to take precautions to prevent tooth decay, but that doesn’t mean we have to cut all sugary drinks and foods out of their diet,” Mitchell said. “When fun events or special occasions like a birthday party or Halloween come around, let them have fun and have fun. After the event is over, parents can help them get back to their daily lives.”
For kids who might be leery about dental visits, Mitchell says it’s best to avoid doing anything big. To help them prepare for a visit, parents can show their child videos of siblings, parents, or other children going to the dentist to help them better understand what to expect during an appointment.
Eye Rendezvous
Having an eye exam at the beginning of the school year is a great way to make sure that vision problems won’t prohibit learning in the classroom.
“Vision is an integral part of the school experience,” said Nicholas Onken, OD, pediatric optometrist at UAB Eye Care. “Making sure there are no visual or ocular barriers to learning should be at the top of your list of things to check before school starts. In addition, children’s eyes change much more frequently than adults’ eyes, making annual exams an important part of every child’s life.”
During a pre-school eye exam, optometrists can find problems that may affect a child’s ability to see the board, screens, or printed materials that could play a big role in a child’s performance in school. school and develop a treatment plan to improve his vision. Many vision conditions, such as myopia, respond better to treatment if caught early.
Some signs that a child may have vision problems include squinting, moving closer to the TV, holding reading material too close, squinting to see objects, rubbing the eyes, closing the eye or to read with the finger. If a child is struggling academically, this could also indicate a vision problem.
“A comprehensive eye exam looks at much more than just visual acuity,” Onken said. “It also includes an assessment of the health of the outer and inner parts of the eye and how well the eyes are working, including the ability to focus, group and track. It also assesses conditions that the child may not have now, but may face in the future, which can be alleviated with appropriate treatments.”
Vaccination appointment
To prevent children from vaccine-preventable diseases, experts recommend that parents educate their children about the recommended vaccines for their age group.
“Vaccines help provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases,” he said. Erin DelaneyMD, associate professor in the UAB Department of Family and Community Medicine and clinical medical director for the Family Medicine Clinic at UAB Hospital-Highlandsmall. “By getting your child vaccinated, you’re not only protecting them from disease, but you’re also protecting classmates, friends, relatives and others in the community.”
Immunizations are the best defense against the spread of disease and ensure the best immune response for children. Vaccines help teach a child’s immune system to recognize a virus or bacteria before exposure, so that when they come into contact with that virus or bacteria in the future, their immune system can fight it without making the person sick.
For kids who might be a little nervous about getting their shots, Delaney says showing support from parents is very important. She encourages parents to take the time to explain to children how vaccines protect them from something that could harm them and to reward them with something they enjoy after they have received their shots.
Parents and guardians can find a list of recommended vaccines by age at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. To schedule a vaccination appointment, contact your child’s local health care provider or county health department.