- Periodontitis is a form of gingivitis that affects approximately 90% of adults worldwide.
- It is associated with other chronic inflammatory conditions and can progress to the point where it can affect the jawbone.
- Prevention is better than cure and is possible with good oral hygiene.
- Researchers in Japan discovered that a matcha extract mouthwash could reduce the levels of a bacteria that drives its growth.
Using matcha extract as a mouthwash could reduce the amount of a certain bacteria that causes periodontitis — at least that’s what a recent study suggests.
Researchers in Japan showed in a clinical trial of 45 people that mouthwash containing matcha extract significantly reduced the amount Porphyromonas gingivalisa bacteria that causes pockets in the gums around the base of the teeth.
The results of the study appear in the journal Microbiology.
P. gingivalis colonizes the biofilms present on the teeth, which can cause infections leading to gum disease or periodontitis.
The researchers suggested that matcha extract reduces the levels of this bacterium both in vivo and in vitro by affecting the bacterial cell envelope which is critical for its survival as it maintains the environment, shape and response of the cell to its environment.
Having previously established that curry leaf and fennel may have antibacterial effects, researchers recently investigated the effect of matcha extract on 16 different types of bacteria commonly found in the mouth.
They created their own matcha extract, comparing it to regular green tea and extracting it with different compounds to discover which was the most effective extract against P. gingivalis.
They then tested the effectiveness of a matcha solution against 16 oral bacterial species, including three strains P. gingivalisin vitro.
The researchers found that P. gingivalis, Prevotella nigrescensand Fusobacterium core all were inhibited by the matcha extracts.
In order to determine the effectiveness of matcha in vivo, researchers from Nihon University School of Dentistry in Matsudo and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo conducted a clinical trial on 45 people.
All of these participants had signs of pockets caused by periodontitis, were adults over 20 years of age, were non-smokers and had no allergies
All received a powder with instructions on how to dissolve it to form a mouthwash and how to use it from a periodontist. The group was divided into three: one group received matcha, a barley tea, and the other sodium azulenesulfonate, which is used as an anti-inflammatory treatment.
Participants used the mouthwash for one month and were followed up at the end of the month.
The researchers found that participants who used the matcha extract mouthwash had significantly lower levels P. gingivalis.
However, while they found a reduction in the size of the pockets in the participants’ gums, this reduction did not prove to be significant.
Commenting on Medical news today, Jeffrey S. Haddad, DDScosmetic dentist at Rochester Advanced Dentistry, who was not involved in the research, however, said he was excited by the study’s findings.
“I think it’s exciting to learn this because anything we can do to help reduce the bacteria in our mouths, and especially the bacteria that can cause gum disease, is good,” she told us.
He stressed that the researchers were unable to point to a possible mechanism that could underpin the findings, but emphasized that any research showing that this bacteria could be reduced is worthwhile.
According to Haddad:
“[T]its study is very fascinating. It gives us a lot of insight into incorporating it into the treatment of either people who are at risk for periodontitis or who have periodontitis and are trying to manage it.”
Ultimately, periodontitis is a gum disease that, if allowed to progress, can cause problems in the jawbone that holds the teeth in place. Recent developments promote prevention over cure, with good oral hygiene at the forefront of efforts.
“Periodontitis” is the medical term for gum disease, which begins as gingivitis before progressing to the stage of periodontitis. Gerald Friedman, DDSfrom North Jersey Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, who was not involved in this study, explained about MNT.
“Inflammation in the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gums, jawbone and surrounding ligaments characterize it,” he noted. “Inconsistent oral hygiene, chronic dehydration and stress are all risk factors for developing this condition.”
While these are all modifiable factors that individuals can act on, other factors, including hormonal changes and diabetes, can also increase a person’s risk of periodontitis, Friedman told us.
“In addition to regular brushing and flossing, consistent dental checkups and cleanings are essential to managing all stages of gum disease. Scaling and root planing is a common first step in treating periodontitis,” he pointed out.
However, the bigger picture is murkier. Periodontitis has been linked to poor cardiovascular outcomes and is associated with many diseases linked to inflammation, including type 2 diabetes and cancer.
The direction of this connection remains unclear: Are people with periodontitis at greater risk of CVD because they have poor lifestyle habits or because of an underlying inflammatory condition?
“I think what people don’t understand is how serious periodontitis is,” Haddad said. “When you have this bacteria in your mouth, it’s obviously in there [the rest of] your body too,” he pointed out.
“I think the main thing is for patients to know that your mouth is the gateway to your body and […] the bacteria [in your gums] can affect your overall health.”
– Jeffrey S. Haddad, DDS